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Turbocharge Your Career: Building Your Book of Business as a Newbie in Automotive Sales

Written by Brendan O'Brien | Nov 28, 2023 1:00:00 PM

So, you've decided to dive headfirst into the world of automotive sales. Congratulations, and welcome to the high-octane world of selling cars! It's a thrilling industry with the potential for lucrative rewards, but like any profession, it requires a solid plan, and some savvy moves to build a successful book of business. Fear not, because we're here to help you rev up your automotive sales career. Buckle up and let's hit the road! 

  1. Get to Know Your Product Inside Out

First things first, you can't sell something you don't understand. Become a walking encyclopedia of knowledge about the cars you're selling. Learn the specs, features, and benefits of each model. Imagine you're explaining these cars to your best friend – that's the level of familiarity you want to achieve. 

  1. Be the Customer's Car Guru

As a new salesperson, you might not have years of experience under your belt, but you can become a trusted advisor by constantly learning and staying up to date with the latest trends and developments in the automotive industry. Share your newfound knowledge with potential buyers. Whether it's about fuel efficiency, safety features, or the latest technology, show them you're the go-to person for all their car-related questions. 

  1. Build Strong Relationships

Building relationships is the key to success in any sales career, and automotive sales are no exception. Treat every customer like they're your most important one. Be genuinely interested in their needs and listen more than you talk. By understanding their preferences and budget, you can guide them to the perfect vehicle. 

  1. Leverage Social Media

In today's digital age, social media can be a game-changer for automotive sales. Create and maintain a professional online presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn. Share your automotive knowledge, showcase the cars you're selling, and engage with your audience. It's a powerful way to connect with potential customers and build your book of business. 

  1. Networking is Your Nitro Boost

Networking within the automotive industry can open doors you never knew existed. Attend industry events, join local business groups, and connect with other professionals in your field. You never know when a dealership down the road might need your expertise or refer a customer your way. 

  1. Master the Art of Follow-Up

Fortune is in the follow-up! After a test drive or a showroom visit, make sure to follow up with potential customers. Send a personalized thank-you note or email and stay in touch without being pushy. Building a book of business often takes time, and consistent follow-up can make all the difference. 

  1. Embrace Rejection as a Steppingstone

Rejection is part and parcel of any sales job, especially in automotive sales. Don't let it discourage you. Instead, use it as a steppingstone for growth. Learn from every rejection, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward. Remember, every "no" can teach you something and help to bring you one step closer to a "yes." 

  1. Be Patient and Persistent

Building a substantial book of business takes time. Be patient and stay persistent in your efforts. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a thriving automotive sales career. Keep refining your skills, building relationships, and delivering exceptional customer service. 

  1. Stay Ethical and Transparent

Trust is the bedrock of any successful sales career. Always be transparent and ethical in your dealings with customers. Honesty goes a long way in building trust, and satisfied customers are more likely to refer their friends and family to you. 

  1. Celebrate Your Wins

Finally, don't forget to celebrate your victories, no matter how small they may seem. Each sale, each satisfied customer, and each referral is a step toward building your book of business. Take a moment to pat yourself on the back and recharge for the next challenge. 


In the fast-paced world of automotive sales, building your book of business as a newbie can be a thrilling journey. With a deep knowledge of your products, a commitment to building relationships, and a dash of persistence, you'll be on the road to success in no time. So, put the pedal to the metal, and go make those sales! 

Happy selling and may your career in automotive sales be as smooth as a well-maintained highway!