
Why Our Training Is Different

At Quantum5, we help your team go from knowledge to skill to behavior change.


When it comes to training programs, you might think about your team sitting in a boring conference room, listening to an out of touch instructor lecture and show slides for hours. Or maybe the training program was more about hype and motivation without practical application. Either way after a day or two, they’re sent back on their way and everything they learned is as quickly forgotten as it was delivered. Sadly, that is how a lot of standard automotive training programs are structured. We created Quantum5 because we wanted to change the narrative around automotive training. We wanted to create a learning framework that is exciting, memorable, and teaches people how to understand their customers instead of just following a script. 

Here are two of the ways our training is fundamentally different than other training programs out there. 

DOB- Training1. Methodology – Our in-person training is designed around a methodology called interactive inductive learning. This adult learning methodology features specific steps that, when executed, help its learners understand how to create buy-in, encounter less resistance when working with shoppers, and how to remove barriers to success. In typical learning environments, instructors just explain how something should be done and it is often forgotten because it's not integrated into the learner’s daily habits and regular process. Plus, when something happens outside the mold of what is taught, traditional training programs make it difficult for learners to adapt and think on their feet. What we do is help keep your staff ready for the moment someone comes into your dealership by giving them the tools to understand your shoppers and their specific needs. We give your team skills that stick with them long after the initial training is done.

QUA_Metrics_app-process-page2. We stay with your team – After the in-person training has concluded, that’s not the end of our relationship – it's where we begin. We stay with your dealership and each learner in order to continue building on the fundamentals we kicked off during the initial training and not with a stale YouTube channel or a website login with five-year-old videos. Our Community Architects and Community Managers are your partners throughout your employees’ learning journeys. They, paired with our technology, get to know and engage with each student in order to advance their learning. They’re available to chat, aid, and offer feedback when needed. Our interactive app uses AI technology to get to know each learner and delivers customized learning journeys based on interests, desires, and assessed needs. Not only does the app provide a regular opportunity for training sustainment, but it’s also fun too! Hollywood quality stories, characters, and graphics make ongoing learning feel more like a game than work. Your staff can brush up on skills or chat with their Community Manager, right from the palm of their hand.

At Quantum5, we help your team go from knowledge to skill to behavior change. When other learning programs think that telling you something once is sufficient, we live and breathe by our full-service learning philosophy, so your team is ready for each unique customer and situation.  

We’re passionate about all things training and would love to chat with you more about this. Click here to set up time to speak with our team. 

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