
Meet the Team: Brendan O'Brien

Meet Brendan, Director of Community Architects. After starting his auto career as a car washer, he now leads a team who help support our clients.


One of our biggest assets at Quantum5 is our team. A diverse group of experts in their respective fields, each Quantum5 team member brings their passion and creativity into everything that they do, having an immeasurable impact on all aspects of the business. We truly value and are constantly in awe of our ever-growing team of professionals. Our Meet the Team series helps highlight our wonderful team and share what makes them so special.

Meet Brendan O’Brien, Director of Community Architects 

  1. What led you to Quantum5?
    People, plain and simple. Like many, I started off washing cars in 2010, I eventually moved into sales, then an internet sales manager where I was able to help others succeed. That became my passion, helping others see success. I left retail in 2019, working with Marcom Results Group as a Western Regional Manager helping dealer personnel increase appointments and sales through their phones. I joined the Q5 team for the Pilot in late 2020 and was hooked; the drive behind it was giving me the ability to not only transform how learning and skill development was accomplished but I truly could leave this industry a better place.  

  2. What do you find most interesting about your work at Quantum5?
    What I find most interesting is the team that has been assembled that I get to work with each day. If you look through our products, we have some remarkable solutions for dealers, but what truly makes us special is our people who support them, build them and sell them. This is a group of people who wake up each day with a desire to make an impact on members lives and help them reach new goals. When you combine our mobile app with our community team to support ongoing learning after a classroom, relationships are built and lives are changed. 

  3. What are you passionate about outside of work?
    Outside of work, my passion is my family. My wife, Natalie, is the true superhero of this story because I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without her. Together, we have a 7-year-old son and an almost 3-year-old daughter who keep us quite busy. We can normally be found outside at one of Kayden’s soccer games, swimming and barbecuing or building Lego. We have newfound joy in spending time up at Nana and Papa camp in Payson, exploring the wilderness and all that Rim Country has to offer, especially during the summer for cooler temps! 

  4. Thinking ahead 12 months, what company related things are you most excited about?
    Gosh, there is so much potential in 12 months I wouldn’t know where to begin. For me, what has brought me some of the greatest joy thus far is watching the overall growth of the company but how we haven’t lost our culture. I am in awe of the talented team members who are choosing to join us but how they blend with the team and embrace our core values is so fun to watch. I work in a rapidly growing area of the company and am just excited to see us go to the next level of support, growth, and care of our partners. The beauty is we have members joining us who not only get to learn from me, but that I can learn from too.  



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