
Meet the Team: Phil Wussow

As a passionate gamer, Phil leverages his creativity and gaming experience to help shape the product's design and features.


One of our biggest assets at Quantum5 is our team. A diverse group of experts in their respective fields, each Quantum5 team member brings their passion and creativity into everything that they do, having an immeasurable impact on all aspects of the business. We truly value and are constantly in awe of our ever-growing team of professionals. Our Meet the Team series helps highlight our wonderful team and share what makes them so special.

Meet Phil Wussow, Journey Designer/Software Engineer 

  1. What led you to Quantum5?
    As a software developer and avid gamer for many years, I was thrilled when one of the founders of Q5 approached me about joining their exciting startup. Their vision for a revolutionary product immediately caught my attention, and I knew that I could bring my talents and skills to help make it a reality. Drawing on my expertise in user experience design and software development, I saw an opportunity to connect people and technology in innovative ways and create engaging content that would captivate audiences. As a passionate gamer, I was also eager to bring my creativity and gaming experience to the table and help shape the product's design and features.

  2. What do you find most interesting about your work at Quantum5?
    The most interesting thing about working at Quantum5 is getting to work with a group of incredibly talented people who collectively bring their talents and experience into developing a product that is dedicated to making individuals better, happier, and more successful in work and life.

  3. What are you passionate about outside of work?
    Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with family and our trips to places like Disneyland. I enjoy adventurous outdoor sports like hiking, motocross, skiing, snowboarding, and camping. I am a gamer and a curious learner who can usually be found gaming on multiple devices while learning as much as I can from videos about topics such as: construction, sailing, flying, innovative technologies, building custom cars, survival, or learning to speak Japanese. I strive to get a little better every day and I hope to be able to someday use the skills I have learned.

  4. Thinking ahead 12 months, what company related things are you most excited about?
    I look forward to releasing the software that we have planned in our technology roadmap over the next 12 months. We have some innovative concepts that will revolutionize how individuals access training that is geared towards them and delivered in a fun and entertaining way. I am also excited to see how many individuals are actively participating in the Quantum5 training and discover how they are finding greater success in their work and personal lives. 




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