automotive training

Vinart Dealerships Case Study

How Vinart Dealerships saw a 44% increase in appointments scheduled with Quantum5.


Andy Wright, Managing Partner of Vinart Dealerships, knew he needs to bolster his team's skills with additional training.

vinart case study cover-1After navigating the complexities of the COVID-era car dealership business, with much of the customer interaction happening online, sky high car prices, mostly pre-sold inventory, and unpreceded consumer demand, it was clear to Andy that now was the time to reinvest in training at his family of dealerships.

With 6 locations in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania,
offering everything from niche high-end brands to mainstream high-volume brands, a dynamic training partner would be needed to equip his team with the skills to successfully work with such a wide array of customers.


Click here to read the rest of the case study and download your free copy.

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