call monitoring

Changing How Success is Measured

Success cannot be measured with one metric alone: here are some additional success metrics dealers should be tracking.


In the world of adult learning, success has typically been measured in very specific ways. Number of videos watched, modules completed, quizzes taken, frequency of LMS logins, etc. While that’s all well and good, it doesn’t tell the whole story. What’s missing is if the content was actually understood and furthermore, if it’s being retained and implemented after the fact. The traditional ways we’ve been measuring success haven’t kept up with the changes in the way things are done. 

The same goes for your dealership. For example, if you’re measuring the success of your outbound sales team, success cannot be measured solely by the number of appointments set. While the number of appointments set is an important number to understand, it is not the only number to consider and definitely not the sole measurement of if the call was successful or not. Many times, a successful outbound phone call can result in a customer sending in their paperwork, filling out a credit application, getting the information they were waiting for, or just a general follow-up that results in a happy customer. In my opinion, a successful outbound call is one that meets its goal and leaves the customer satisfied. It’s important for dealership managers to understand these nuances and to set goals and targets appropriately.  

Remember: Success cannot be measured with one metric alone. 

Let’s break down some additional success metrics dealers should be tracking. 

In addition to the number of appointments set, there are several other key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be used to measure the success of inbound and outbound phone calls for your sales and service teams: 

  1. CSI Score: Customer Satisfaction Index, or the measure of how satisfied your customers are with your products and services. This score is typically based on surveys or other feedback mechanisms.

  2. Call Volume: The number of calls made or received in a given time frame can provide insight into the efficiency of the phone team and the effectiveness of your campaigns.

  3. Call Duration: The length of time spent on each call can indicate the level of engagement and rapport established with customers and potential customers.

  4. Call Conversion Rate: This measures the percentage of calls that result in a desired outcome, such as setting an appointment or making a sale.

  5. Average Handle Time: This KPI tracks the average time it takes for a salesperson to complete a call, including any follow-up tasks required.

  6. First Call Resolution: This measures the percentage of calls that are resolved on the first attempt, without the need for follow-up calls.

By monitoring and analyzing these KPIs, dealers can identify areas of improvement and adjust their approach to increase success rates and achieve their goals. Gone are the days of just looking at one or two metrics to judge whether something or someone was successful. It’s essential to look at the whole picture to give you the entire story.  

Need help with phone call data or coaching your phone teams? We can help! Our People-First BDC and CallQ solutions pair perfectly together to provide data, actionable insights, and one-on-one coaching to support your team. Schedule a time to meet with us and learn more. 

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