
Meet the Team: Alicia Klyn

Coming from an automotive family, Alicia worked her way through the dealership world first as a receptionist, then as a sales & service BDC and trainer.


One of our biggest assets at Quantum5 is our team. A diverse group of experts in their respective fields, each Quantum5 team member brings their passion and creativity into everything that they do, having an immeasurable impact on all aspects of the business. We truly value and are constantly in awe of our ever-growing team of professionals. Our Meet the Team series helps highlight our wonderful team and share what makes them so special. 

Meet Alicia Klyn, Vice President of Client Services  

1. What led you to Quantum5 
I come from a family deeply entrenched in the automotive world, which sparked my passion for the industry from a young age. I began my journey as a receptionist in a dealership, immersing myself in various roles and departments. Over time, I transitioned to leading a Sales and Service BDC, then onto corporate training for BDC and CRM. Eventually, I found my niche in the vendor world, specializing in call tracking and monitoring. Each step has been an enriching experience, shaping my expertise and commitment to advancing in this dynamic field. All of this has led me to Quantum5, where I was drawn to a new and unique way of approaching the learning experience! 

2. What do you find most interesting about your work at Quantum5?  
What I find most interesting about my work at Quantum5 is the thoughtful approach Quantum5 takes to sustained learning. Quantum5 goes beyond the one-size-fits-all method. Another way they accomplish this is through their Community team. This team comprises real people that clients have direct access to, enabling them to ask questions, share current struggles, as well as successes, thereby enhancing the learning experience. 
3. What are you passionate about outside of work?  
Outside of work, my biggest passion is my quirky little family, which includes my husband and our two children, 14-year-old Amelia and 6-month-old Maximus. We enjoy exploring our 23-acre land together, finding adventure around every corner. In my downtime, I'm drawn to true crime shows/books and baking! 
4. Thinking ahead 12 months, what company related things are you most excited about?  
Over the next 12 months, I am incredibly excited to introduce as many dealers as possible to this innovative approach to training. By revolutionizing the way we approach learning, we not only enhance the customer experience but also improve the employee experience. It's a win-win situation that I'm eager to bring to as many dealerships as I can. 



We’re hiring and would love to meet you! Interested in joining our team? Check out our open positions and apply for a career today. 

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