
Meet the Team: David Farabaugh

Having spent his entire career in the auto industry, David understands the expectations of today's dealership staff.


One of our biggest assets at Quantum5 is our team. A diverse group of experts in their respective fields, each Quantum5 team member brings their passion and creativity into everything that they do, having an immeasurable impact on all aspects of the business. We truly value and are constantly in awe of our ever-growing team of professionals. Our Meet the Team series helps highlight our wonderful team and share what makes them so special. 

Meet David Farabaugh, VP of Strategic Operations. 

1. What led you to Quantum5?  
I’ve spent my entire career in the auto industry working for OEMs. Most of that time has been devoted to consulting directly with dealers. I met Quantum5 Co-Founder, Dave O’Brien at an event back in 2009 and have been a firm believer in his training approach ever since. When presented with the opportunity to join the Quantum5 team in 2023, I jumped at the chance.  

2. What do you find most interesting about your work at Quantum5
Let’s face it, the retail automotive business is undergoing many changes these days. “The Road to a Sale” has far more forks in it than ever before. And at the same time, the Gen Y and Z employees coming into the dealership workforce these days have far different expectations of what work should be. Quantum5’s unique approach to training addresses these changes. Our content is different and so is our delivery of that content. 

3. What are you passionate about outside of work? 
I have been a competitive athlete for most of my life. I worked my way through college as a professional ski instructor and racing coach. I seriously expected that I’d pursue a career in the ski industry. Student loans saved me from that reality and forced me to get a “real job” in corporate America. After college, I got hooked on cycling and have been racing road and mountain bikes for over 25 years.  

4. Thinking ahead 12 months, what company related things are you most excited about? 
Oh wow! I’d say I’m most excited to see our new partnership with Hyundai of America shift into overdrive. Hyundai is a great partner to be aligned with. And we have many amazing innovations that we’ve been working on behind the scenes that we will bring to market for them this year. 2024 will truly be a monumental year for Quantum5.  



We’re hiring and would love to meet you! Interested in joining our team? Check out our open positions and apply for a career today. 

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