
Meet the Team: Kathleen Kimber

One thing that Kathleen loves about her role is the sense of community that her team is building with their clients, teammates, and our leadership!


One of our biggest assets at Quantum5 is our team. A diverse group of experts in their respective fields, each Quantum5 team member brings their passion and creativity into everything that they do, having an immeasurable impact on all aspects of the business. We truly value and are constantly in awe of our ever-growing team of professionals. Our Meet the Team series helps highlight our wonderful team and share what makes them so special.

Meet Kathleen Kimber, Community Architect.Kathleen-Kimber-2

1. What led you to Quantum5?
In my years working in automotive, I have been blessed to work as a trainer & consultant for companies like Edmunds, automotiveMastermind & Shift Digital (on the Toyota team). After the pandemic, I knew I needed a change & that the auto arena was ready for one too. Q5 is that rare company that wants to innovate the space by bringing new solutions to industry challenges. I love the sense of community we are building with our clients, teammates, & our leadership! I really feel like I belong.

2. What do you find most interesting about your work at Quantum5?
Q5 has the amazing mix of teams that I’ve never seen in the automotive field. Yes, many of us have worked in dealerships, but we also have artists, writers, filmmakers, scientists, & teachers. My early career was in the arts, so it’s exciting to work on a team with such brilliant, creative people again! 

3. What are you passionate about outside of work?
I am involved in my local community theater & love to acting in & direct plays. I also love reading, baking bread (or attempting to), & spending time with my family...especially on our yearly trip to a lake in Maine! 

4. Thinking ahead 12 months, what company related things are you most excited about?
We have so many growth opportunities coming at Q5. In my role, there are currently 2 of us, I cannot wait to meet all the new folks that will be joining us at our next company meeting. 




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