
Swear Words of Car Selling

Are you still using those cringey old phrases in your car sales process? STOP! Instead, focus on results-focused questions & building a trusted relationship.



Oh sh*t! It’s time to talk about the swear words of selling. You know, those one-liners that everybody has heard 1,000 times...those cringy old phrases that can immediately put the customer on the defense.  

Things like, "Come to my desk, let's see what my manager can do,” or "How much are you looking to put down today to show my manager that you're serious?” and "What color does the misses like,” and then of course, “What do I gotta do to earn your business today?”  

No. We want to build a trusted relationship with our clients. 

Ask those result-focused questions and then listen to their answers. We can make each interaction unique to the customer and avoid these old worn-out phrases we've all heard way too many times. 


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